You may be wondering, “Do we really need another Gospel commentary? Why does the title associate the Gospel with mystery, and even more, a mystery revealed?”
Contrast Jesus with the Old Testament Father God, their image in your mind. Jesus – loving, patient, and forgiving. The Father God – something quite different, strict adherence to Law, genocidal nation building. Have you ever struggled with that? Most everyone has and, I dare say, most still do, though they may not openly admit it. Church scholarship has striven over the ages to find the solution. Why did God have to be so mysterious? This book will give you the Biblical answer.
And why do the Gospels preached by Jesus and Paul seem to conflict? Jesus –more towards works. Paul – more towards grace. And like me, have you not been pestered with conflicting crucifixion explanations? Was it really God’s wrath on display? Was the Father really placing all our sin on Jesus’ back? And what about the Jews? Did they really fail God in their climactic final exam?
In this book you will discover, with total scriptural harmony, Biblical answers to these questions and more. Nowhere herein, are arguments made stripped from their Biblical context. It is astounding to see the beauty and wonder of our amazing God, when these mysteries from Scripture are revealed.